Cohabitation agreement
Although the importance of cohabitation is undisputed today, cohabitation relationships, i.e. living together without a marriage certificate or a registered partnership, are not explicitly governed by law. To avoid legal loopholes, it is therefore worthwhile for cohabiting partners to protect each other with a comprehensive arrangement. In addition to concluding a cohabitation agreement, this can also include more extensive arrangements under inheritance and pension law.
The partners may word the cohabitation agreement as they see fit. This can provide for only statements of assets, but also for more extensive provisions such as the sharing of living costs or the specification of maintenance obligations. In addition, the partners can also stipulate childcare, pension provision and separation arrangements.
The cohabitation agreement is generally not subject to any formal requirements. However, for reasons of evidence and because of possible far-reaching arrangements, it is advisable to draw up the agreement in writing.